Sample size for ICC
n_icc(beta = 0.8, alpha = 0.05, k = 3, icc, icc_lower)
power level, default beta = 0.8
, also called assurance
confidence level, default alpha = 0.05
number of raters, default k = 3
reliability coefficient
lower limit of the reliability coefficient icc
Calculate the sample size for achieving a certain lower limit of the confidence interval derived by the F procedure. This method is developed for the ICC type oneway.
Zou, G.Y. (2012) Sample size formulas for estimating intraclass correlation coefficients with precision and assurance. Statistics in medicine, 31, 3971-3981.
n_icc(icc = 0.7, icc_lower = 0.6, k = 4)
#> [1] 109.6927
n_icc(icc = 0.7, icc_lower = 0.6, k = 2)
#> [1] 204.8471
n_icc(icc = 0.7, icc_lower = 0.6, k = 3)
#> [1] 133.1105