A study on the applicability of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire among low-and higher-educated adolescents

Behavior change techniques that prevent or decrease obesity in youth with a low socioeconomic status: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Computerized adaptive testing to screen pre-school children for emotional and behavioral problems

Design of a three-level evaluation of the Dutch Healthy School program

Feasibility and acceptability of implementing the Global Scales for Early Development (GSED) package for children 0-3 years across three countries.

School health promotion and fruit and vegetable consumption in secondary schools: a repeated cross-sectional multilevel study

Child Development with the D-score

Educational inequalities in self-rated health and emotional exhaustion among workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study

Effect of different setups, protective screens and air supply systems on the exposure to aerosols in a mock-up restaurant

Helpen automatiseringskansen om de toekomst van banen te voorspellen?