Iris Eekhout holds a double master in clinical psychology and methodology and statistics of psychology (Leiden University). She obtained her PhD at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the VU University medical centre in Amsterdam. Her dissertation work resulted in novel ways of dealing with missing data in questionnaire items and total scores. Currently, Iris teaches a course on missing data analysis in the epidemiology masters program at VU University medical centre. At TNO, Iris works on a variety of projects as a methodologist and statistical analyst related to child health, e.g., measuring child development (D-score) and adaptive screenings for psycho-social problems (psycat). Her main interests and expertise are missing data methods (multiple imputation), longitudinal (multilevel) modeling, R programming, developing shiny applications, interactive visualizations, psychometrics and measurement.
PhD in Epidemiology & Biostatistics, 2015
VU University, Amsterdam
MSc in Methodology and Statistics, 2010
Leiden University
MSc in Clinical Psychology, 2010
Leiden University
BSc in Psychology, 2008
Leiden University
The projects highlighted on the website have R packages attached. The D-score project has multiple R packages available and several shiny application that demonstrate functionalities. The agreement project evolves around one R package and one shiny application.
Reliability and Agreement
Child development with the D-score
Missing data